Supporting rural communities and agriculture, today and tomorrow, is at the heart of Farm Credit’s mission. For the most part, we accomplish this by providing reliable and consistent credit and...
Earn More with Interest-Bearing Funds
Did you know that as a PFC member-owner, you have a choice of interest-bearing funds? These funds can help plan ahead for future payments and farming expenses – all while...
How Does the Cash Patronage Dividend Work?
You’ve heard about the Cash Patronage Dividend; maybe you’ve received some of it! But do you know how it works? In summary: Premier Farm Credit is a cooperative owned by its...
Fraud Awareness: Avoiding Consumer Scams
As part of our continuing commitment to our customers’ security, we wanted to share some information about fraud schemes that prey on consumers. Unfortunately, consumer scams are even more prevalent...
Appraisal FAQ’s
Appraisal FAQ’s At Premier, we have a team of certified rural appraisers that can provide an appraisal for a variety of purposes – whether it is for real estate financing,...
$3.75 Million Cash Patronage Dividend Announced
We’re delighted to announce we’ll be mailing $3.75 million in Cash Patronage Dividend checks to our member-owners in March! “I’m pleased we are able to give a substantial cash patronage...
New Mobile Banking App Now Available
We have a new Mobile Banking App available for Premier Farm Credit customers! It can be downloaded from iTunes or the Google Play store under the name CoBank mobile, then...
President’s Message
Having grown up in an agricultural family, I learned early on that this business wasn’t for the faint of heart. As you well know, it is a business that endures...